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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Boris & Ian Astbury - BXI Ep + Extra

Here is a new Boris Ep on which they are accompanied by Ian Astbury. It is a pretty fun listen, and I always love me some new Boris. Plus this one comes with an extra live track.


1 comment:

Jacob said...

Ian Astbury's recent collaboration w/ Boris seems to have inspired him to put his lizard king leather trousers to the back of the wardrobe, and re-invigorated his enthusiasm for forward-looking psychedelic metal. "Embers" takes The Cult's longstanding charms of melodic clarity and stately, air-punching theatrics and retools them for the 21st century. Meanwhile, the band is recording shows on their relentless touring schdule, for quick release through USB flash drives and one-off digital downloads. It's a fascinating, experimental approach that allows them to release both forward-looking studio music for new fans and more retro-ish live music for old fans. Here's the latest live download (free):